Validation through indexing Next comes the indexing of the pages : they now appear in the Google index, but are not positioned. Tip: to quickly check the indexing of a page, simply type the “site:” command in the search bar followed by the URL of your page, as follows: site: https://votresite. com/la-page-a-tester If the page appears, it is indexed. If this is not the case, you must identify where the problem comes from by crawling your site. Position yourself and rank: this is where SEO comes in! It's not all about being indexed, it still needs to be found and well positioned.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or web referencing is there for that! What is SEO Chinese Singapore Phone Number List ranking? Ranking is an important concept in natural referencing. results, on a specific keyword. What will make your site rank in search results? We're not going to lie, what really interests you is positioning the pages of your site so that it is found on Google and visited by Internet users, right? web referencing ranking Well here is what Martin Splitt determines to be the 3 basic principles for ranking. The 3 main SEO principles so that your site is well positioned on Google Essential principle number 1: (very) good content! It's not new and yet it's so powerful! Google loves content, but not just any content: the most relevant, structured and qualitative possible.
How to ensure you produce good content ? There is no secret to this, you have to ask yourself: what does the user want? what is he looking for and what does he expect to find. For example: if he wants to impress his dinner guests, he will search for “best pot au feu recipe” for example. best seo recipe And guess what he'll expect to find? Well: the best stew recipe ever! In addition, if your site aims to sell kitchen utensils and you provide them with the best possible response, double jackpot : on the one hand Google will appreciate and place you before everyone else in the search results.