However, it is worth drawing some attention back to links, because they can actually make a difference to your text – both as a service for your reader, but also purely SEO-technically. In general, we divide links (in this context of SEO, anyway) into 2 categories: Internal links and external links. Internal links are links to other pages internally on your website. or information that is an extension of what they are currently reading.
In addition, it can also give search engines an indication of WhatsApp Number List the structure and hierarchy of your website, and that it can distribute the value of the different pages over your website. It is important for Google to be able to find its way around your site, and your good SEO texts and your links help with that. You should see your internal links as signposts for Google, telling not only the reader, but also the search engine where it can find relevant information and what the page contains. Internal links can also lower the bounce rate on your pages, which is also something search engines look at when sorting pages by relevance.
External links refer to pages outside your own website. Here it is a good idea to link only to trustworthy pages. If you insert external links in your SEO texts, you also show Google that you are aware of other relevant knowledge in your field and that you are not just pointing to yourself. This indicates that you are an expert in, for example, marketing and know other relevant sources. What you may not know when linking, be it to internal or external sites, is that your URL must be set up correctly.