Use social media monitoring tools to track, listen to, and engage potential customers and existing customers. In many companies, we extend our efforts across too many social platforms and reduce the impact of those efforts. Instead, focus on high-priority platforms. Based on audience participation, find the top 2~3 networks and go from there. Simplify your purchasing process Don't overcomplicate your social media marketing. Please focus on your main goal, sales. Most consumers are looking for simplicity. When purchasing travel is easy, there is a high opportunity to recommend products and services.
This may not be correct if the purchase process requires multiple clicks and searches on the page before the customer buys it. The purchasing process should be as simple as possible. Get the points right so consumers can easily navigate from social media to landing pages. Make sure the social copy is direct wedding photo editing service and the Call To Action/call to action is strong. Your content should not only act, but also define exactly what people expect. Maximize clicks from social sites by limiting site redirects and other common link errors. Optimize your website for mobile social media users Your mobile presence is more important than ever. We value mobile internet users' turning points more than desktop ones.
That is, the mobile shopping experience from your social channel should be flexible and streamlined. First of all, we evaluate how well the site works on mobile devices. Page speed is the 1 most important aspect of website performance. Google PageSpeed Tools You can use free tools such as Test your site's speed on desktop or mobile and get inspiration to improve it. Google -Sphere-Tools 5 is one of the ways to sell more products through social networks See: Google PageSpeed Tools You can use the same tool on your website, a mobile test you can also run. Mobile 5 - one of the ways to sell more products through social networks See also: mobile test Consider optimizing your photos for mobile devices. Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We prioritize visual content.